Autumn vegetables

Autumn vegetables arrive at the same time as the first seasonal illnesses and cases of the ‘chills.’ One of the best ways to strengthen our immune systems and to prevent any discomfort is to consume a lot of seasonal vegetables. Prepare yourself for the coming cold months with the delicious taste of autumn veg, a delight for the palate and good for our health. What autumn vegetables are best for you? To reap the full benefits of vegetables, it is important to pay attention to seasonality where it guarantees more intense flavours and a higher content of active ingredients and nutritional health.


Even though cabbage is available all year round in the supermarkets, it’s at its best towards the end of autumn. Coming from the same family as broccoli, the cabbage provides all of the same health benefits of broccoli and Brussels sprouts. The same process applies when cooking a cabbage; try not to overcook a cabbage as this will lead to a break down of the nutrients and minerals, and therefore it won’t be as nutritious as it was before being cooked.

cabbage autumn veg


Here is another member of the cabbage family, and is also at its best during the autumn months. The cauliflower is clearly different from the other members of the cabbage family being white in colour compared to the vibrant green of broccoli and brussels sprouts.

Generally, most people just eat the heads of the cauliflower, but you can also use the stem and leaves to add some extra flavour to soup stocks for example. Being part of the cabbage family and being similar to cabbage, broccoli and brussels sprouts, they all share similar components and health benefits. Head to the supermarket and don’t miss out on these great vegetables!


This green vegetable is labelled as a ‘super food‘ containing many properties and components that are essential to our health. Spinach is a great source of vitamin K and vitamin A, as well as folate, (recommended for pregnant women) magnesium and iron. Thanks to the importations from different countries, you can get spinach all year round.

You can buy spinach in a frozen form but to enjoy all the nutrients and vitamins at their best, it is recommended to buy fresh spinach. When shopping for spinach, look for firm, crisp, deep green leaves. Spinach is great as a base for salads, delicious when added to soups or casseroles or simply on its own, cooked, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with salt and black pepper.

Spinach autumn veg


Being a member of the cabbage family, broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin C. It’s vitamin C contents surpass your recommended daily amount, and it also contains adequate amounts of vitamin K and vitamin A.

Studies have linked the consumption of broccoli with a reduced risk of cancers of the lung, colon, breast, ovaries and prostate amongst others. In addition, broccoli is an excellent source of calcium and a great source of folic acid which is recommended during pregnancy. Broccoli can be eaten raw or cooked, but recent studies suggest that if you do plan on cooking it, steaming is the best way to preserve all of the vitamins and minerals.