Which foods have the least FAT?


Dietary fat is a lipid of animal or vegetable origin that we consume as food and that we must control when eating a healthy diet. It is important to know which foods contain the least fat to avoid problems such as obesity and high cholesterol. Take a look at the ranking that we have prepared and discover the main foods with a low fat content.

Foods low in fat

According to the table cereals, fruit and vegetables are foods that are low in fat and should be added to a low fat diet. 

Most sweet foods and foods that taste nice are usually high in fat and therefore if you are looking for a low fat diet, those foods are best to avoid. However, you can always find out which cheese has the lowest amount of fat and add it into a balanced diet. We don’t always have to give up things we like!

If you want foods with 0 fat, make use of our food calorie calculator to design a fat free food menu according to your circumstances. Your skin and body will thank you.

  • Semi-skimmed milk each 100gr. per serving ( g.)
  • Açaí each 100gr. per serving ( g.)
  • Lime each 100gr. per serving ( g.)
  • Canned tuna each 100gr. per serving ( g.)
  • European anchovy each 100gr. per serving ( g.)
  • Shrimps each 100gr. per serving ( g.)
  • Swordfish each 100gr. per serving ( g.)
  • Prawns each 100gr. per serving ( g.)
  • Radish each 100gr. per serving ( g.)
  • Topinambur 0.01 g each 100gr. 0.02 g per serving (150 g.)
  • Sweet potato 0.05 g each 100gr. 0.07 g per serving (133 g.)
  • Skimmed milk 0.08 g each 100gr. 0.20 g per serving (245 g.)
  • Potato 0.09 g each 100gr. 0.07 g per serving (75 g.)
  • Raspberries 0.1 g each 100gr. 0.11 g per serving (242 g.)
  • Quince 0.1 g each 100gr. 0.09 g per serving (92 g.)
  • Watercress 0.1 g each 100gr. 0.03 g per serving (34 g.)
  • Kale 0.1 g each 100gr. 0.09 g per serving (89 g.)
  • Pumpkin 0.1 g each 100gr. 0.12 g per serving (116 g.)
  • Onions 0.1 g each 100gr. 0.16 g per serving (160 g.)
  • Cabbage 0.1 g each 100gr. 0.09 g per serving (89 g.)
  • Cauliflower 0.1 g each 100gr. 0.14 g per serving (135 g.)
  • Turnip 0.1 g each 100gr. 0.13 g per serving (130 g.)
  • Green beans 0.1 g each 100gr. 0.11 g per serving (242 g.)
  • Crayfish 0.1 g each 100gr. 0.11 g per serving (242 g.)
  • Cucumber 0.11 g each 100gr. 0.06 g per serving (52 g.)

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