The Best Vitamins For Healthy Hair


Do you envy the way someone else’s hair looks? Are you tired of looking in the mirror and seeing lacklustre locks? Well, your diet plays an extremely important role in making sure you receive the vital vitamins needed for good hair. What you eat can affect the way your hair looks and feels, which is why it is essential for you to increase your uptake of the following vitamins for healthy hair. Adapting your diet is extremely simple and avoids you having to take unnecessary supplements to prevent hair loss or thinning.

Boost Hair Growth With Vitamins A, D and E

Vitamin A is an essential vitamin for hair as it helps with hair growth. It should be consumed in small quantities as large amounts can result in the opposite effect of what you are looking for – hair loss! Foods rich in vitamin A produce a sebum, a healthy oil secreted by the scalp that helps to moisturise it. To make sure your hair has its fix of vitamin A, try eating more sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, spinach, kale and peaches.


Alopecia, a common hair loss disease, is a result of low levels of vitamin D in the body. This vitamin is good for your hair as it helps in the production of follicles on the scalp that allow new hairs to grow. The best way to increase your intake of natural vitamin D is from the sun! To encourage its presence in your diet, try having more fatty fish, such mackerel, eel, halibut, salmon, swordfish or including Maitake and Portabella mushrooms into your meals.

Perhaps less commonly thought of as a useful vitamin for good hair, vitamin E is a great antioxidant that helps with blood circulation and boosts hair growth. It is only required in small quantities as it also contains blood thinning properties. Beans, soybeans, nuts (especially almonds), sunflower seeds and avocados are perfect for including more vitamin E in your diet.

Stronger Hair With Biotin and Vitamin C

Studies have shown that the B-vitamin known as Biotin is extremely important in preventing hair loss. Biotin supports the adrenal glands to stimulate hair growth as well as rebuilding damaged strands due to everyday activities such as shampooing and hair drying. Most B-vitamins contribute to the creation of red blood cells that travel towards the scalp to release oxygen and nutrients needed for growth. Naturally occurring in many foods, B-vitamins are found in meat, chicken, seafood and eggs, as well as in leafy greens and nuts (especially almonds).


Vitamin C is a powerful vitamin needed for healthy hair as it prevents hair follicles from ageing (and potentially greying). Vitamin C works as an antioxidant, aiding the production of collagen, a protein that strengthens hair. It is also a useful vitamin that helps the body absorb iron, another vital mineral that allows the hair to grow healthily. Vitamin C is present in citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit, strawberries, kiwis, guavas broccoli, peppers and kale.

Don’t Forget The Minerals

Although not technically a vitamin, iron is a mineral that is very important when it comes to healthy hair. Due to loss of iron during the menstrual cycle, it is even more essential for women to make sure their iron levels are maintained. Iron is used by the body to transport oxygen that is needed to maintain growth of cells. The foods with the most iron include beans (white and black), clams, oysters, spinach, Swiss chard, egg yolk, red meats and lentils.


By adapting your diet to include these vitamins and minerals, you will be helping your body to look after your hair and prevent any future damage or loss. Your hair is crying out for good vitamins so get these foods onto your shopping list today.

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